Subj : future for fido To : Alejandro Filimonchuk From : August Abolins Date : Sat Apr 30 2022 08:36 am Hello Alejandro Filimonchuk! ** On Wednesday 27.04.22 - 13:38, Alejandro Filimonchuk wrote to Martin Foster: MF>> Nice idea but how do you propose sending out the "invitations". AF> Well, we all have relatives/friends/girlfriends, etc :) We AF> can, indeed, create custom BBS accounts for, lets say, a AF> sister in law, and invite her to one of the telegram AF> supported echoes... That is a nice gateway to heavier AF> drugs like BBSing hahahaha... Precisely. It can be a way to point users to other ways to experience a BBS directly, especially if they are not impartial to using a traditional computer. AF> At least, we could bring new people from "the outside". Im AF> trying to make that two female friends start posting in AF> fidonet, but at least they have read some echoes... Nice! AF> We need to make it simple for people not touched by AF> nostalgia or textmode aesthetics. Fidonet, and the rest of AF> FTNs, for that matter, are a mistery for a lot of folks AF> and gals... even telling them about it is something cool AF> to do. Well, for me, at least. Good going! AF> I think telegram gate is a nice setup for that mission. AF> But we can figure out much more (thats the entire point of AF> this echo). It's a VERY nice setup. Only two steps required to get started. Can't get much simpler than that! However, at this time of writing, the Fido<->Tg path is intermittent. But the convos on the Tg side can still carry on for the benefit of the Tg users. ;) -- ../|ug --- OpenXP 5.0.51 * Origin: (1:396/45.29) .