Subj : Re: something new.. To : Nick Andre From : deon Date : Thu Feb 02 2023 11:49 am Re: Re: something new.. By: Nick Andre to August Abolins on Wed Feb 01 2023 10:51 am > The whole project is busybody techno-dick nonsense. Written by the same > genius who was trying to shove a new packet standard down my throat years > ago and who has caused problems with his "Hub not available" Perl script > nonsense I've had to instruct now two different Sysops to stop using. Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth. That conversation was with me - but it didnt go like that at all. But I do enjoy throwing out "we should create a new packet standard" every now and again to see how you react. And that perl script doesnt tell you "the hub is not available" either.. You should read the message if you get one from my hub. Did those "two" other sysops listen to you? ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509) .