Subj : Re: something new.. To : Deon From : Nick Andre Date : Wed Feb 01 2023 09:08 pm On 02 Feb 23 11:49:13, Deon said the following to Nick Andre: D> Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth. D> D> That conversation was with me - but it didnt go like that at all. But I do D> enjoy throwing out "we should create a new packet standard" every now and D> again to see how you react. Our exchanges are public, saved here, it certainly "is" fact. Upon your election to the FTSC you were told point blank that the FTSC does not enforce standards, they only document new ones that become popular enough. Like how BinkD became popular... the Russians just made it happen. Finally when the lightbulb engaged and it became clear that things were not going to pan out "your way" unless you actually wrote some code and stopped bullshitting everyone, you took your ball and left. D> And that perl script doesnt tell you "the hub is not available" either.. You D> should read the message if you get one from my hub. Did those "two" other D> sysops listen to you? Yes they did because of their connections to my system. One Sysop had mentioned your involvement, one sent me a copy that had your email address on it. Which I tried to email you but bounced. The two Sysops are very nice but not tech-savvy enough to configure it properly. One had it misconfigured which caused a loop between our systems. When your little script was dropped like a hot potato, things worked perfectly and it became clear how absolutely rediculous it was to have an out-of-office thing for Netmail. None of us are that important to have one. Its all a very simple case of you selling ideas that just do not work, making busybody work, making things more complicated than necessary. Solutions to nonexistant problems. Selling a hub-system to be more than it really is. But please keep 'em coming, I get a very entertaining reaction. Comedy gold! Nick --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .