Subj : Re: something new.. To : Nick Andre From : deon Date : Thu Feb 02 2023 02:08 pm Re: Re: something new.. By: Nick Andre to Deon on Wed Feb 01 2023 09:08 pm > D> Nick, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth. > Our exchanges are public, saved here, it certainly "is" fact. Nick, I know - so I'll say it again, you should get your facts right before you engage your mouth. > Upon your election to the FTSC you were told point blank that the FTSC does > not enforce standards, they only document new ones that become popular > enough. Like how BinkD became popular... the Russians just made it happen. > > Finally when the lightbulb engaged and it became clear that things were not > going to pan out "your way" unless you actually wrote some code and stopped > bullshitting everyone, you took your ball and left. You like embellishing in a dreamy world, and talk about it as if your are authoritive dont you? Again, get your facts right before talking about something that you actually wouldnt know about. > on it. Which I tried to email you but bounced. The two Sysops are very nice I got it - it was identified by Google as Spam. Kinda funny when I think about it. > When your little script was dropped like a hot potato, things worked > perfectly and it became clear how absolutely rediculous it was to have an > out-of-office thing for Netmail. None of us are that important to have one. And you think that's the reason it was set up? > Its all a very simple case of you selling ideas that just do not work, > making busybody work, making things more complicated than necessary. > Solutions to nonexistant problems. Selling a hub-system to be more than it > really is. Huh? I genuinely wonder why you are involved in this hobby... After all, its a "silly message network" right? ....лоеп --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509) .