Subj : Re: something new.. To : Terry Roati From : Kurt Weiske Date : Wed Feb 08 2023 06:51 am -=> Terry Roati wrote to Kurt Weiske <=- TR> I lived in Manila when I setup my BBS back in the nineties, I had over TR> a 1000 users and two 24 hour phone lines and back then I required the TR> following complusory info. TR> Real Name TR> Birthday TR> Phone Number TR> Calling From TR> No one complained back then as all BBSs used a CBV for security. I asked for a "real" name, which didn't get used anywhere except for Fidonet. A handle, which was used everywhere. And, that was it. I was part of a network of like-minded group of sysops who valued information and anonymity. It all worked well. We didn't have issues with duplicate accounts, and we got to know each other's writing style. If someone opened another account, their writing style and knowledge gave them away. Different times. .... SURELY NOT EVERYONE WAS KUNG FU FIGHTING --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 * Origin: | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700) .