Subj : fidogle To : Ward Dossche From : Michael Dukelsky Date : Wed Apr 19 2023 02:59 pm Привет, Ward! 19 April 2023 13:30, Ward Dossche послал(а) письмо к Michael Dukelsky: MD>> WD> What if it's a "she" ? MD>> It is my Russian accent. :) Of course, it should be "it". WD> Yes, of course ,,,, it must be the accent. 8-) WD> But, is gender in the Russian language something special? I mean the WD> difference between 'he', 'she' or it not that obvious? As opposed to English, every word in Russian has grammatical gender. And, by the way, it may not coinside with grammatical gender of the similar word in French or German. So, for a Russian a table is "he" and a bed is "she". I understand that it may sound crazy for an English ear. :) Желаю успехов, Ward! За сим откланиваюсь, Michael. .... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230221 * Origin: ==<<>>== (2:5020/1042) .