Subj : Re: fidogle To : Ward Dossche From : Jaroslav Bespalov Date : Fri Apr 21 2023 08:51 pm WD> Michael, WD> MD>> WD> But, is gender in the Russian language something special? I mean the MD>> WD> difference between 'he', 'she' or it not that obvious? WD> MD>> As opposed to English, every word in Russian has grammatical gender. And, MD>> by the way, it may not coinside with grammatical gender of the similar MD>> word in French or German. So, for a Russian a table is "he" and a bed is MD>> "she". I understand that it may sound crazy for an English ear. :) WD> WD> Dutch is about the same. WD> WD> Indeed for the native english speakers it presents a challenge ... WD> WD> \%/@rd Difficulties of gender identity of subjects in Russian language. --- tg BBS v0.7.1 * Origin: Fido by Telegram BBS from Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/256) .