Subj : fidogle To : Alejandro Filimonchuk From : Stas Mishchenkov Date : Wed Apr 26 2023 10:42 am Hi Alejandro! 24 Apr 23 22:20, Alejandro Filimonchuk -> Stas Mishchenkov: AF> Ive been using Fidogle, kinda cool! We must not forget that it is still in development. I regularly find and fix minor bugs. AF> is there a way to know what echoes are actually being searched? Some AF> people asked me that question, and thats a good one. I will add the ability to get a list of searchable echo conferences. AF> I want to add some "Fidogle" screen in my BBS as a "FidoWeb" fine AF> example ;) You can do it right now. ;) AF> but more info would be cool. It will be. Have nice nights. Stas Mishchenkov. --- Самый мой проверенный рецепт - сказать жене, что хочешь борща. * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858) .