Subj : fidogle To : Ward Dossche From : Stas Mishchenkov Date : Wed Apr 26 2023 06:26 pm Hi Ward! 26 Apr 23 11:55, Ward Dossche -> Stas Mishchenkov: SM>> I will add the ability to get a list of searchable echo conferences. WD> I am certain you have thought of this, but every echo you make searchable WD> requires a stable link to remain current. Sometimes I find echoes that interrupted after Paul Quinn's death. :( Have nice nights. Stas Mishchenkov. --- Самое страшное не то, что мы теперь взрослые. А то, что взрослые теперь мы * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858) .