Subj : Changes in golded+ sources To : Vitaliy Aksyonov From : Nicholas Boel Date : Wed Nov 08 2023 05:40 pm Hello Vitaliy, On Wednesday November 08 2023 11:50, you wrote to me: VA> Would iconv improve this situation - yes! You'll be able to convert VA> from multibyte charsets. Sure, some symbols may be lost if they don't VA> exist in target charset. For example if I convert from UTF-8 to VA> KOI8-R, I'd lose German umlauts. :) Definitely answered any questions I may have had, and also confirmed how I viewed those three xlat settings. You also made me a firm believer that iconv could quite possibly completely replace these character translation tables once and for all! ;) Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231106 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .