Subj : Copy and Paste Question To : Richard Vonzel From : mark lewis Date : Sat Jan 08 2022 04:38 am On 2022 Jan 07 14:40:26, you wrote to me: RV> That doesn't work. If I highlight the test like normal, and other key I RV> just and "copy" it with, it just removes the highlightes test. this also depends on your terminal... in my linux konsole (as opposed to using xterm, for example), i hilight via normal mouse click and drag... then i use CTRL-SHIFT-C to copy from the terminal window to the clipboard... by the same token, CTRL-SHIFT-V is used to paste in konsole terminals... in the GUI areas, it is standard CTRL-C and CTRL-V... i don't recall what OS you are using but i seem to recall that on windows, you had to right click and then select copy or paste... or maybe it was using the menu bar at the top of the window? that memory is from Vista days and was last actively used a decade+ ago, i guess... i might be willing to bet that uncle google knows the answer, though... )\/(ark "The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty, ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!" .... Even the smallest candle burns bright in the darkness. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .