Subj : CQCQ To : Jimmy Anderson From : Richard Menedetter Date : Wed Aug 22 2018 04:09 pm Hi Jimmy! 08 Aug 2018 13:28, from Jimmy Anderson -> Richard Menedetter: RM>> I am not using it too much. RM>> But who knows ... maybe we bump into each other. RM>> (DMR ID 2321042/2163045) JA> I still haven't done anything with DMR or D-Star or any of that... JA> Guess I have too many OTHER interests... :-) To be honest I did not switch on my DMR HT since the message ... But I have to admit that I plaed around with POCSAG ... works nicely here. CU, Ricsi .... Judged by 12 people that weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: Calm down. It's only ones and zeros. (2:310/31) .