Subj : 811H problem, please r To : ALL From : ALAN Date : Tue Mar 08 2022 09:44 am AB>Hi, AB>I put a pair of 572B tubes in my AL-811 amp and they died. AB>One went to a plate current of 600 ma and the other 75 ma. AB>Anyways, DX engineering tubes are coming. AB>I checked all my 572B tubes one at a time and selected the best I could for the AB> amp. The worst case sceneria was 75 ma. The new tubes were just as crappy. I exchange the amp for a SB-200, did all modes except the start up mod. I only use it on SSB and tested it the other day, 500 Watts out. It will do 700 but 500 will or should extend the life of it. I did mods of my input caps, that helped on sumo bands AB>Here goes. AB>600 ma AB>150 ma AB>85 ma AB>75 ma. AB>Am I going to trash my amp or will the output just drop? AB>It's holding at 500 watts right now. For 100 watts in. AB>So, should I leave well enough alone or should I only the 2 tubes in there as AB>soon as they arrive? I have since known that the input caps are vital. AB>If one fails short could that take my amp out? Still dunno. There are resistors below the deck that ten to blow and remove grid current from the tubss. There is more but I have to ask a friend who fixes amps, just amps. He is very good at it. VY2TM is his call. 73, Alan AB>Best 73, AB>Alan AB>VY2XU AB>--- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1) AB> * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (1:229/426.36) --- þ OLXWin 1.00a þ MSI - Connecting The World (tm) * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 (1:135/392) .