Subj : Re: new router To : Tommi Koivula From : Ward Dossche Date : Sun Feb 06 2022 09:38 am TK> > TK> Yes. The nodelisted name doesn't point to it yet. I will update it TK> > TK> when dynamic dns updates work for sure. TK> > TK> > They work here ... TK> .... until you let your dyndns account expire again ... I'm not entirely certain what you're hinting at ... My system ran on a free dyndns-account till mid 2013 when they stopped the free service. Went to the free hosting of dtdns with a one-day stop-over at, until that free hosting stopped Aug.1 2018. Then switched to with a paid-account July 16 2018 which made the nodelist 1 (one day) later with uninterrupted service. After that the account automatically updated by credit card on these dates... July 16, 2018 00:19 July 09, 2019 06:06 July 09, 2020 06:08 July 09, 2021 06:06 Keeping records can be a blessing ... So .... what exactly is it you're talking about? \%/@rd --- DB4 - Jan 26 2022 * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854) .