Subj : Agency BBS / Agency HUB To : Paul Hayton From : Michiel van der Vlist Date : Sat Jun 24 2023 10:25 pm *** Answering a msg posted in area FN_SYSOP (International Fido Sysops). Hello Paul, On Saturday June 24 2023 12:26, you wrote to me: PH> On 23 Jun 2023 at 10:30a, Michiel van der Vlist pondered and said... Mv>> Indeed no IPv6 for now. PH> Yep No change, so I will flag you as "6DWN" in the list for now. Mv>> I see you were running a tunnel. Does it mean you will Mv>> have native IPv6? Or is there a problem getting the tunnel back Mv>> up? PH> I may end up with a mix of both, I think I may get some native PH> allocation with my new ISP in the coming weeks. Not sure... but also PH> looking to have a tunnel running again as I'd like to make use of that PH> too. My hope is it will be possible to do both without too much issue. Interesting. With a tunnel you have a fixed IPv6 prefix and that has its advantages. With native IPv6 you may have a (semi) dynamic prefix. Your milage may vary. Other than that I find native IPv6 much preferable ove a tunnel. He,net offers a fantastic service for a very attractive price, but a tunnel just can not match native IPv6. At least that is my experience. Please keep us posted. Cheers, Michiel --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303 * Origin: certified sage (2:280/5555) .