Subj : Re: Testing To : Bj”rn Felten From : Jay Harris Date : Fri May 24 2024 11:40 am On 24 May 2024, Bj”rn Felten said the following... BF> @MSGID: 2:203/2 6650ac42 BF> @PID: JamNNTPd/Win32 1 BF> @CHRS: CP437 2 BF> @TZUTC: 0200 BF> @TID: CrashMail II/Win32 0.71 BF> @SEEN-BY: 1/19 16/0 19/37 90/1 104/117 105/81 106/201 123/130 128/260 BF> @SEEN-BY: 142/104 153/7715 201/0 203/0 2 124 218/700 221/0 1 226/30 BF> @SEEN-BY: 227/114 229/110 112 113 206 317 400 426 428 470 550 616 664 BF> @SEEN-BY: 229/700 230/0 240/5832 266/512 280/464 282/1038 291/111 320/119 BF> @SEEN-BY: 320/219 319 2119 322/757 762 342/200 396/45 633/280 3634/24 BF> @PATH: 203/2 0 320/219 229/426 BF> This is a ping test to see if Michiel going AWOL affects the Fidoweb BF> distribution system. BF> BF> BF> -- BF> Conning people is easy. You just need to overcome their intelligence. But BF> convincing people they've been conned is much harder. You need to BF> overcome their pride. BF> .. BF> BF> --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; sv-SE; rv: BF> Gecko/20091121 * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) Got you here. Jay .... ZMODEM - French for a telecommunications device --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/12 (Linux/64) * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664) .