Subj : Looking for a simple BBS with fidonet connectivity To : Michael Mrak From : Oli Date : Tue Feb 02 2021 01:06 pm Michael wrote (2021-02-01): MM> And because it just has to be, I now want to get a BBS up and running as MM> well. Criteria would be connection to Fidonet, as simple and as text MM> oriented as possible (so no ANSI gimmicks) and of course it should run on MM> the same Debian system as Binkley & Co. MM> Do you have any tips what I should look at best here? I sounds Maximus would be the perfect fit, unfortunately it is unmaintained for a long time. I wasn't able to compile it on a recent Linux distro. It was ported to gcc 3.x a long time ago, but after that nobody touched the sources anymore. I loved Maximus for being very simple in the default install, but also very extensible. Besides the closed sourced Mystic there is Enigma½ and Synchronet. All three are bigger packages and have everything included (only Enigma doesn't inlcude a mailer). A very new project is Talisman BBS. It uses a Squish message base. --- * Origin: . (2:280/464.47) .