Subj : Re: Nodelists To : Mike From : Jay Harris Date : Thu Mar 21 2024 11:19 am On Thursday March 21 2024, Mike said the following... Mi> How does everyone handle nodelist updates? Mi> Do they point the mutil.ini to the filebase directory? Yes, that's what I do: [-- begin nodelist.ini --] [General] MergeNodeLists = true logfile = mutil.log logcache = true loglevel = 2 logtype = 1 maxlogfiles = 3 maxlogsize = 1000 [MergeNodeLists] strip_down = true strip_private = true nodefile=/home/pi/mystic/files/fdn_FSX_NODE/FSXNET nodefile=/home/pi/mystic/files/fdn_NODELIST/NODELIST nodefile=/home/pi/mystic/files/fdn_MIN_LIST/MICRONET [-- end nodelist.ini --] Jay .... I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309 * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664) .