Subj : Re: MultiMail 0.51 To : Black Panther From : Tony Langdon Date : Wed Jun 13 2018 12:30 pm -=> On 06-11-18 20:00, Black Panther wrote to Tony Langdon <=- TL> Thanks for the heads up, just grabbed a copy myself. :) BP> Seems to be running fine here. :) Here too, and the Win64 0.51 is MUCH faster than the old Win32 0.49 on Windows 7. :) I tried compiling on Linux, and despite (I think ;) ) following the instructions, I couldn't get it to find the PDCurses library that I had installed. Had to compile it against ncurses, which doesn't look so good on my X desktop (Linux Mint). I'd like to get Multimail to compile against PDCurses, have to find what part of the Makefile it's referencing. Also tried compiling the latest SyncTerm, which compiled, but it doesn't run. Running SyncTerm in a terminal windoww fives some sort of X size error, from memory. :( So looks like my BBS reading is still Windows. :( .... I tried to drown my problems.. they like beer too! --- MultiMail/Win v0.51 .