Subj : Re: MultiMail 0.51 To : Tony Langdon From : Alan Ianson Date : Wed Jun 13 2018 02:27 am Re: Re: MultiMail 0.51 By: Tony Langdon to Black Panther on Wed Jun 13 2018 12:30 pm TL> Also tried compiling the latest SyncTerm, which compiled, but it doesn't TL> run. Running SyncTerm in a terminal windoww fives some sort of X size TL> error, from memory. :( I use SyncTERM most of the time and never have any problem with it. Have you tried any of the different video output modes in the program settings? When I am in x, I normally use "SDL Overlay Fullscreen" and have had good results. Ttyl :-), Al .... God is dead. But don't worry - the Virgin Mary is pregnant again. --- SBBSecho 3.05-Linux * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .