Subj : ARCA To : Dale Barnes From : Robert Wolfe Date : Sun Jul 26 2020 12:00 am -> Ok, since I have someone interested in a OS2 version of -> InterMail/InterEcho, will take a look at VP/2. Can you guide me to -> the best place to obtain a safe copy? Also possible to let me know -> were to find the DOS plug in? I figured if it is close to BP, maybe -> I can compile a version of it. -> I have Borland Pascal 7 now working with the OS2 patch but its only -> for 16 bit but I can do a PM with it (requires quite a bit of work). Hmm, I would just leave it as a text mode app like it is now. Much less overhead on the CPU, I would think. And if you come out with a native OS/2 version as well, I might have to enlist Sean's help in utilizing HSTART to start up Wildcat! from it (in all my years I have never used HSTART before, so this use of it may be incorrect -- I am thinking it is used to start OS/2 apps from a DOS app, so please correct me if I am wrong). -> --- InterEcho 1.21 -> * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:106/201) --- InterEcho 1.20 * Origin: Omicron Theta/2 * * Southaven MS (1:261/20) .