Subj : Telnet on Arca To : Rick Smith From : Kevin Nunn Date : Tue Nov 17 2020 10:44 am Hello Rick. 14 Nov 20 08:33, you wrote to all: RS> installed vsio2k and it appears to work.. vmodem starts and runs no RS> errors... However for the life of me I cannot find documentation to RS> have it listen for telnet ports.. Ive searched high and low, logged on I am using v1.60 and here is my entries into config.sys. I am not sure if 2k works the same or not, But this might get you headed in the right direction. REM SIO Setup DEVICE=c:\sio\sio.sys (COM1:115200,INTERNET:3F8,4,-) (COM2:115200,INTERNET:2F8,3,-) (COM3:115200,INTERNET:3E8,4,-) (COM4:115200,INTERNET:2E8,3,-) DEVICE=c:\sio\vsio.sys DEVICE=c:\sio\vx00.sys The first DEVICE line is assigning the comports to use for telnet. I have 4 of them setup. vsio and vx00 are DOS drivers I believe. s Kevin --- GoldED+/EMX * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS - (1:19/50.1) .