Subj : Telnet on Arca To : Robin K. Popper (hajek) From : Rick Smith Date : Tue Feb 23 2021 10:12 am Greetings Robin! Friday January 22 2021 08:59, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!: Rh> * Forwarded from area 'os2' Rh> Hi, Rick! Rh> I have also been looking for help with SIO2K for a long time and Rh> the result of everything is a functional configuration so that I have Rh> 2x standard COM1 and COM2 and 2x VMODEM on COM3 and COM4. Rh> You can find the necessary here: Thank you very much robin... I did not know how to use your devlist? is that placed in sio2k dir or? I tried using it as sio2k.cfg which created errors at boot so I guessed wrong I believe... Thank you so much for your help. ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... BBSing is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. --Sysop of Borg --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Abacus Sysop Point --->>>> (1:105/10.1) .