Subj : ipv6 live testing ? To : Tommi Koivula From : Daniel Path Date : Mon Mar 22 2021 06:54 pm Hello Tommi. 22 Mar 21 18:24, you wrote to me: TK> * Replying to a msg in ipv6 (ipv6) TK> Hi Daniel. TK> 22 Mar 21 16:43:36, you wrote to Andrew Leary: DP>>>> i have my OS/2 machine in the office, and i am using it via DP>>>> telnet. not the BBS, i telnet into the OS/2 where i got a DP>>>> prompt -> C:\> then i enter: cd \golded and then run gedemx.exe DP>>>> :) 95% i use my os2 box remotely and it works surprisingly DP>>>> well, i did not expect it. AL>>> OS/2 can be available remotely via PMVNC as well. I still use AL>>> this occasionally to check on my OS/2 system. DP>> i'm more a console-guy, than a gui one :) TK> Do you have gui at all in your os/2? Like running TSHell only. :) i have, i'm running the PM cdplayer often :) regards, -- Daniel --- GoldED+/EMX * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .