Subj : Re: ArcaOS DOS window fix To : Rick Smith From : Kevin Nunn Date : Wed May 06 2020 06:05 pm -=> RICK SMITH wrote to SEAN DENNIS <=- SD> DEVICE=C:\OS2\MDOS\VSVGA.SYS /INT10TEXTGRFXSAFE RS> I did try this, still does not allow me to use windows, I can start RS> full screen then alt-home to a window. There was another part of that if this by itself did not work. And I am at the office, so can't look it up. But it has to do with issuing a MODE statement in the autoexec.bat. I do remember that much. Kev --- Telegard/2/QWK v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS (1:19/50.1) .