Subj : Re: debugging os/2 freeze To : Tommi Koivula From : Kevin Nunn Date : Wed Jul 07 2021 05:03 pm -=> TOMMI KOIVULA wrote to DANIEL PATH <=- TK> relevant, it is how and with what compiler it has been compiled. Also TK> different libc*.dll versions may cause a mess. I stopped compiling It could also be the driver/hardware causing issues as well. I used to run my BBS under Arca on a dell desktop, everything sorta fine, BBS traffic was fine and I had no issues but sometimes FTP or VNC would just crash it hard, freeze up and require hard reboot. That machine finally had some other (HD) issues and I replaced it with a slightly more compatible Lenovo desktop, Since then I have not see FTP or VNC freeze or crash once. So network driver/hardware could be the issue as well. Just from experience. Kev --- Telegard/2/QWK v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS (1:19/50.1) .