Subj : Re: os/2 in the 2020's... To : Daniel Juarez From : Stan Hosdar Date : Sat Jul 17 2021 09:32 pm DJ> Sweet. If it ain't broke . . . :-) DJ> DJ> I was one of those people in the 90's that *wanted* to use OS/2 but DJ> could not afford the hardware to run it properly. So, instead I bought DJ> and installed Windows 3.1. DJ> DJ> Today I have OS/2 Warp 4 running in VirtualBox on my Linux desktop. I DJ> also use Windows 10 for work only, which also runs in a virtual machine. DJ> DJ> On OS/2 one thing I have yet to learn is how objects are used properly. DJ> I mean, just trying to make what I would consider a shortcut on the DJ> desktop to an application, I have not figured out without copying the DJ> whole application to the desktop. But, I confess I have not put much Curious, what practical application does os/2 have today other than nostaliga? can you even get a modern browser for it? On my UNIX systems (also at work) it is difficult to impossible to get a modern compliant browser, most are 10 years old now..... so they have little practical use for the desktop, but of course, as a server...... that's a whole other matter. Unix is Unix this os/2 machine is built for one purpose and one only - CNC with CAD. The resolution sucks. The keyboard and mouse are industrial grade and more of the kind you'd find on an old teletype or minicomputer. The OS/GUI is very wierd i'm not used to it) and most of the OS is hidden from view. But it's very clearly os/2 to any seasoned user. The Ethernet is AUI (15 pin!) and also has a parallell port.... which limits what I can do with it - to network this i'd need a transciever (can still buy new) but THEN i'm stuck with NETBIOS/NETBEUI for a protocol and needing windows XP as a go between... so.... floppies it is (yes, has floppies) other than os/2 used on machines (some bank machines , etc) or the absolutely latest os/2 builds i'd be curious what else you can do... also can os/2 dual boot with DOS? I could try it on this laptop... (486/66) --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .