Subj : BinkD To : Tommi Koivula From : Sean Dennis Date : Tue Jul 20 2021 04:29 pm Hello Tommi, Tuesday July 20 2021 18:47, you wrote to me: TK> I tried to upgrade my Allfix to newer versions few times, but no TK> success. Maybe a setup from scratch might work, but I see no reason to TK> do that. The last version from Harald works quite fine. (ALLFIX/2 for TK> OS/2 Warp, v6.00.018 09-Jul-00 14:20) I'll look and see if I can find that version of ALLFIX. I am using NEF and it works great but having the SRIF and filefind functions would be handy. I'm cleaning up 20 years worth of mess on the BBS and finding stuff I didn't realize I still had anymore. I have 18GB worth of files and am adding more when I have time. -- Sean .... Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. --- GoldED/2 3.0.1 * Origin: Outpost BBS * (1:18/200) .