Subj : Vmodem To : Sean Dennis From : Rick Smith Date : Tue Jul 05 2022 03:58 pm Greetings Sean! I was so happy to find your doc on setting up SIO and vmodem.. Followed it strictly and read the docs. It starts I believe at boot up as normal. However I am unable to start vmodem. From a dos window I get " A non recoverable error occured. The process ended" from and os/2 prompt I get no error but vmodem does not appear to have started. I poured through the documentation and cannot seem to find what I have done wrong? Have you seen this error in your experience? Can you point me to some things to check? I have it setup almost word for word in your setup.. Hope you are feeling better and thank you again for making this help file. ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... TAGLINE A BBS addict is hooked when: you consider BBSing better than chocolat --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>> (1:105/10) .