Subj : News To : Sean Dennis From : Dieter Schauf Date : Sat Aug 06 2022 07:37 pm Hello Sean, 06 Aug 22 10:06, Sean Dennis wrote to Don Lowery: DL>> Great news! Hopefully...we can see a way to register it or have it go DL>> open source the same way some of the old BBS software you can use with DL>> the consent of the author. SD> It will never be open source because the use of commercial libraries but I SD> plan on giving out free registrations. The topic of further development/release of Sio comes up like Christmas every year. Sometimes the sources have disappeared or they're in the basement and Ray can't get there anymore. Ok, it's up to Ray what he does with it. Only I find it ridiculous to keep waving the sausage. I don't want to take away your hope now, but I'm skeptical that it will work this time. regards, Dieter .... Win10/32 uptime 22 days, 23 hrs, 20 min (Schrat/W32) --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC * Origin: DOENE - Merzenich - Germany (2:2452/280) .