Subj : News To : IB Joe From : Daniel Path Date : Sat Aug 06 2022 07:49 pm Hello IB, 06 Aug 22 10:45, you wrote to Sean Dennis: IJ> On 06 Aug 2022, Sean Dennis said the following... SD>> Hello Don, SD>> SD>> Saturday August 06 2022 03:11, you wrote to me: SD>> SD> DL>> Great news! Hopefully...we can see a way to register it or SD> DL>> have it go open source the same way some of the old BBS SD> DL>> software you can use wit the consent of the author. SD>> SD>> It will never be open source because the use of commercial SD>> libraries but I plan on giving out free registrations. IJ> I'm just wondering... will you be able to fix any bugs or add to it, IJ> if need be, or is it locked in time and all we can do is get a IJ> registered copy?? you already can have a registered copy as Ray Gwinn gave the permission 1-2 years ago. even i can send you a copy if you want. :) Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... 9:43pm up 3 days, 9:46:09, load: 73 processes, 275 threads. --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY +36-1-4454412 (2:371/52) .