Subj : Re: ArcaOS DOS window fix To : Rick Smith From : Kevin Nunn Date : Fri May 08 2020 12:57 pm -=> RICK SMITH wrote to KEVIN NUNN <=- RS> Yeah let me know if you come across it... Id be interested in trying RS> something. Ok, used Google Remote Desktop to connect to win10 machine at home and VNC'd into OS/2 box there, gotta love technology :P In the autoexec.bat add mode co80 I have mine after all the SET commands, but before I load any tsr I also have a CLS after it, so that might or might not be needed. Here is a link to the information that is included in the readme about it and might help as well. Under "DOS and/or WIN-OS/2 sessions do not work" Hopefully that works Kev --- Telegard/2/QWK v3.09.g2-sp4/mL * Origin: Razor's Domain/2 BBS (1:19/50.1) .