Subj : production Os/2? To : Stan Hosdar From : Daniel Path Date : Fri Apr 05 2024 09:24 pm Hello Stan, 04 Apr 24 22:36, you wrote to All: SH> hey all SH> how many of you still maintain production OS/2 at work? SH> it's 2024 and i still had to ressurect a system using IBM os/2 boot SH> floppies and SCSI cdrom to rebuild an OS on a disk that died.... SH> it's a custom CNC from 1999 (swiss made) and was 'new' to my company SH> in 2018. os/2 warp 4... still going strong.... i don't know if this BBS counts... :) Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... Uptime: 7d 6h 17m 52s --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .