Subj : Re: ArcaOS To : Robert Wolfe From : Don Lowery Date : Wed Apr 15 2020 01:19 am RW> DL> Yep. The config of the server isn't functional yet...but using JAM RW> DL> messaging software already available for OS/2...would you be able to RW> DL> using the messaging part of the software? Getting BinkD...would you b RW> DL> able to get the messages & such to the hubs? RW> Yes, and yes. Especially if you use the filebox feature of Mystic. As RW> far as picking up incoming telnet connections, that's another story. Never bothered to look into it...more than thinking out loud about it. With TG/2 already running JAM bases & fully functional...will be going with that until a version of Mystic might come out for OS/2. RW> DL> Just thinking out loud for a way to make the software usable by other RW> DL> methods. RW> Nothing wrong with that. :) Not being a programmer & with my plate full with TG/2-FE 1.60-DB 4 to get seems like that's all I'm doing now AND lovin' it! Have got an issue that has been biting my behind for a while now. Have been trying to get SIO 1.60/SIO2K setup according to the dox with the software. Have gotten SIO to give me 4 ports with a virtual modem...but it says COM1 - N/A IRQ - N/A Virtual Modem ***** for COM 1-4. That's a major battle itself. Here's how I have the CONFIG.SYS setup at SIO.SYS (COM1, INTERNET:3F8, NONE, 4, -) This has been bugging me to death...especially since TG/2 tries to init the ports...but keeps trying over & over. Any suggestions...that will be the biggest part of the battle to get the whole shooting match running. Thanks! ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/09 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000) .