Subj : Re: ArcaOS DOS window fi To : Sean Dennis From : Don Lowery Date : Fri Jun 05 2020 01:03 am SD> DL> That & win32s are interesting ideas...but until they become as easy t SD> DL> setup/use as WINE for linux...nice idea. SD> They're both dead in the water so don't get your hopes up. Thought so. Actually see more people talking about running BBS's & such than I do with ODIN/Win32S. SD> DL> crossed with QT5 coming...many of these limitations will disappear & SD> DL> make it as usable as any linux distro out there with the apps SD> DL> available. SD> For me, until Arca becomes 64-bit and multi-user, it's still "crippled" SD> for my personal everyday use. You can fudge multi-user by slapping on SD> Security/2 but the 32-bit you can't work around. That's a nice dream & would be fantastic...but don't see either MS or IBM playing nice for those of us who would run this. SD> I love computers and electronics, especially my beloved amateur radio, SD> but I also like to get outside too so cars came naturally to me. These SD> days, I'm looking at getting into fishing as a side hobby since I'm SD> evidently in fishing country out here. Many years ago...bought the worst car I ever owned...67 VW Fastback. The money/time I spent on that was amazing...but I wanted a VW. When I got married...the wife/I looked at a Type 2 which needed brakes...but did run for $500. More recently...started looking again & found that time is a very cruel mistress with most of the AC Type I-IV's have rusted away to nothing in fields & such. Even with the money...I have no where to do the work...while getting TG/2 running...don't have the same limitations. ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000) .