Subj : Lora 2.99 free source code To : All From : Don Lowery Date : Fri Jun 12 2020 10:27 pm Found this available as a download as C++ source code. Tried to upgrade/install gcc & watcom on ArcaOS...but Yum was telling me my installed version was newer than the download version. Having little/no experience with source would I compile this for OS/2. If I can compile it for OS/2...would I be able to compile & put up the versions for download? ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000) .