Subj : Services & Host To : All From : Don Lowery Date : Sat Jun 20 2020 12:42 am Between the brownouts during calm weather & attempting to get Arca to answer on something other than port there anything I need to edit in the HOSTS & SERVICES files or any other files to open up non-standard ports? Using confused which "port forwarding" section I need to set up for these ports...combined with anything in Arca. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! ACME BBS-Member of fsxNet/WWIVNet/SciNet/AmigaNet/VKRadio/FidoNet/MicroNet. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/21 (Windows/32) * Origin: ACME BBS-W.Coyote & D.Brown are our best users. (1:340/1000) .