Subj : ARCA To : Sean Dennis From : Dale Barnes Date : Wed Jul 22 2020 08:52 pm > > With ArcaOS, you may have to tinker with your video > drivers. If you have > issues with DOS windows not opening, let me know and I can > give you the > command to put in CONFIG.SYS that can help mitigate that. > Not having any issues with video but installing in VMWorkstation 15 appears to be having issues with just building the boot drive. Tried all the settings per ARCA but cannot get it to see the hard drive and let me fully install it. Worked one time but I had other issues so Had to restart it. I found out having larger than 2 gig drive screws with some of the older apps. Which drive format is better to use? >DB> Looking for any tips. To also cheat if there is anyone >DB> here that uses FREEPASCAL that I could bounce a few novice >DB> questions to you. > > I have Free Pascal installed under ArcaOS but use Virtual > Pascal/2 normally. > What's your questions? Have not played with Virtual Pascal /2. How close to Borland Pascal 7 is it? can you build PM apps easier with it then FPC? The question on FPC, can the FPC.CFG be used like the BPC.CFG, I can customize it and have different ones setup for the different projects? I told you it was a novice question. I just really started looking it reading the docs. It appears to be able to do quite a bit. Thanks for any help and feedback --- InterEcho 1.21 * Origin: Home Of InterMail/InterEcho (1:106/201) .