Subj : ARCA To : Dale Barnes From : Sean Dennis Date : Thu Jul 23 2020 06:53 pm Hello Dale, Wednesday July 22 2020 20:52, you wrote to me: DB> Which drive format is better to use? I recommend JFS because you can use a lot of disk recovery and backup programs with that instead of HPFS. DB> Have not played with Virtual Pascal /2. How close to Borland Pascal 7 DB> is it? can you build PM apps easier with it then FPC? It's much closer to BP than FPC but it is not designed to build PM apps, IIRC. OpenSybil is more of what would be used for PM programs but I have never used it. DB> The question on FPC, can the FPC.CFG be used like the BPC.CFG, I can DB> customize it and have different ones setup for the different projects? DB> I told you it was a novice question. I just really started looking it DB> reading the docs. It appears to be able to do quite a bit. Yes. Just save the FPC.CFG in the individual directories and load it when needed. FPC is huge but is extremely powerful. It can do a LOT. But it cannot make PM programs unfortunately. For me, the overhead of FP isn't worth it and I use VP/2 even though it's not supported anymore ... and it has a very nice PM-based IDE that I like to use. I use VP/2 to make 32-bit OS/2 and Win32 programs from a single program. I do have the DOS32 plugin for VP (rather rare to find it). VP can also convert an OS/2 program into a 32-bit Linux program. DB> Thanks for any help and feedback Sure thing. Later, Sean --- GoldED/2 3.0.1 * Origin: Outpost BBS * (1:18/200) .