Subj : ARCA To : Sean Dennis From : Rick Smith Date : Fri Jul 24 2020 06:44 pm Greetings Sean! 24 Jul 20 15:59, you wrote to Dale Barnes about an urgent matter!: SD> -=> Dale Barnes wrote to Rick Smith <=- DB>> At least I have a test platform now and it is able to talk DB>> to my other systems so should be able to test DOS,Win,OS2 DB>> between the systems now. Thanks for the tip, will do that DB>> if I have to reinstall again. SD> If you need it, I have a working OS/2 Warp 4.52 VM for VirtualBox SD> available that does work. Where did you get it? All the ones I tried to download I could not get to install? ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... BBSing ... time's blackhole. --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Abacus Sysop Point --->>>> (1:340/202.1) .