Subj : Re: Join piNET To : All From : Gary McCulloch Date : Sat Mar 23 2024 08:13 am ================================================================ Reign of Fire FTN Simple Application . Copyright © 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Your network coordinator: Gary T. McCulloch aka Spitfire ================================================================ Infopacks can be found at Poll the ROF FTN HUB at 24556 telnet: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Reign of Fire BBS Group: Ports: 6800, 8502, 6400 ================================================================ The application is easy, just fill out this short form, rename it to your BBSID and email it to or you can send it in feedback to Spitfire on Reign of Fire BBS. --8<--- Network(s) you want to join: 1) RetroNet [ ] Reviving the past and keeping nostalgic alive. 2) PiNet [ ] Dedicated to the Raspberry Pi, for both young and old. 3) C=Net [ ] All things Commodore, your #1 Commodore Network. ........Real Name: .....Handle/Alias: ..............Age: .........BBS Name: .....BBS Software: ..BBS Telnet/Port: ....State/Country: ....Email Address: ....BinkD Address: .......BinkD Port: (All passwords for Areafix/TIC/Session will be the same and must be all capital letters 7 characters MAX!) I will add the number 1, 2 or 3 after the password for the network it will be used for. EX: PRIVATE1, PRIVATE2 and PRIVATE3 Password: _______1 _______2 _______3 retronet pinet cnet Packer (ZIP ONLY) MD5 On or Off? [ ] on [ ] off --8<--- Thank you for applying, You should get a response back within 24 to 48 hours after submitting your application. Infopacks can be downloaded at * ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet PiNet RetroNet * C-Net/5 * Origin: ports 6800 6400 8502 / 423-541-8271 (1:154/50) .