Subj : Re: Join piNET To : All From : Gary McCulloch Date : Sun Apr 28 2024 10:34 pm A World Wide FidoNet Technology Network ================================================================ Copyright 2017-2023 / Dave Vandermeer & Carlos A. Roldan Network CEO: Gary T. McCulloch / Copyright 2024 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ______ __ __ __ _____ ______ PiNet is a network dedicated | _ || || \ || ___||_ _| to the Raspberry Pi. | ___|| || || _|_ | | An informational network for |__| |__||__\__||_____| |__| both young and old. ================================================================ Infopacks & On-Line Application can be found at: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Reign of Fire BBS Group: Ports: 6800, 8502, 6400 ================================================================ [This advertisment is brought to you by Spitfire Inc.] * ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet PiNet RetroNet * C-Net/5 * Origin: ports 6800 6400 8502 / 423-541-8271 (1:154/50) .