Subj : Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p To : Denn From : MRO Date : Tue May 21 2024 10:59 am Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 10:48 pm > > 1st off, this has nothing to do with you, you're posting in a public forum. are you new to the internet? > 2nd I never posted any spam, that's the only thing that will get your posting privs shut off. your system was flooding with something. > 3rd > you're an idiot. I've never flooded a msg network. so who's the idiot. > Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist. again, you are in a pubic forum. you keep saying shit like don't post anymore, the matter is closed, etc. you still don't know have a clue. --- þ Synchronet þ ::: - free BBS services ::: * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705) .