Subj : Telnet link on a crude and simple webpage To : Steve01354 From : Denn Date : Thu May 23 2024 10:58 pm Re: Telnet link on a crude and simple webpage By: Steve01354 to All on Thu May 23 2024 07:45 pm > All I'm trying to do is make a webpage with the name of my site and a telnet > link on that page. The answer that keeps coming up (I've been doing this > most of the day is that I should add: > IBI VM > to the page. I added: > href=TelnetServlet?cmd=connect&>BBS > I tried every variation of my domain name (and even the IP, No joy. No > matter what I try I get the message "No resource at this location." I'm > sure it's simple, but I'm stumped. I tried the support people at Coffee Cup > HTML Editor. They wanted to know what telnet was. I'd surely appreciate > any help with this. > try cut paste below ___________________
_________________________ Just embed the code that I put between the two lines. --- þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - or * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705) .