Subj : Where do I get ntvdmx64 To : Rixter From : Nightfox Date : Fri Jun 07 2024 11:34 am Re: Where do I get ntvdmx64 By: Rixter to Digital Man on Fri Jun 07 2024 12:27 pm Ri> my first door installed and running it is called planets the exploration Ri> of space. Thank you for all the help. Now trying to track down the author Ri> to register it. Last updated 2001, lol will I find him? I registered it in 2010, sent in payment and got a registration code.. I remember going to Gameport: But soon after that, I started to see people saying they were becoming unresponsive and hard to get a registration code from them. Their web site is still up though and has pages to register Planets: The Exploration of Space, LORD, and some other doors. Maybe you can try contacting them first to make sure you can still register it. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs] (1:103/705) .