Subj : Re: Anyone alive? To : Vk3jed From : Widgit Date : Mon Mar 08 2021 08:58 am Vk> Sounds like you're talking about your BBS, rather than FamilyNet. I Vk> doubt I can manage another BBS, because of my own traits. I use Freeway yeah i was its all good it seems to be popping along on its own ill just keep logging in from time to time..... question have you tryed the program Zello its a voice over ip radio program im useing we are looking to link the local prs radio ch 8 to it so we can link around the world its in the first stages working on building the repeter .... would live to get my hands on the software the ham used on ZL1VK to connect around the world a couple of years ago well if you do use zello you can find us on Channel Nz cb radio . --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32) * Origin: Family BBS Telnet (63:10/100) .