Subj : Re: Auckland students stranded, left to walk to school as bus overcrow To : Major Queen From : Widgit Date : Tue Feb 25 2020 08:07 pm On 25 Feb 2020, Major Queen said the following... MQ> MQ> Students are having to walk to school and arriving to classes late amid MQ> reports of overcrowded buses. MQ> MQ> Green Bay High School's buses, 005 and 007 which service Glen Eden, MQ> Titirangi and Oratia in West Auckland, are turning away students because MQ> they are too full. MQ> MQ> There are two school buses in the morning and three in the afternoon but MQ> all buses are always full, parents say. MQ> MQ> The school and concerned parents have lodged numerous complaints with MQ> Auckland Transport since the start of the school year but no solution has MQ> been reached. MQ> MQ> Michele Ballinger said the solution wasn't rocket science, "just add more MQ> buses to the route". MQ> MQ> "It's a month into school now and our children are still facing this MQ> problem," Ballinger said. MQ> MQ> "There are a lot of kids affected, and are not being picked up. We just MQ> want our kids to get to school safely, early and on time." MQ> MQ> Lauren Oliver said the problem has been on going for far too long. MQ> MQ> "I'm just getting real sick of the drama of trying to get kids to MQ> school," Oliver said. MQ> MQ> Her son had been left behind at school twice because the buses have been MQ> too full. MQ> MQ> "This isn't ideal when parents work, how are they supposed to get home? MQ> It's terrible." MQ> MQ> Green Bay High School principal Fiona Barker said 353 students live in MQ> the area of the two bus routes. MQ> MQ> Not all those students rely on the school buses but a fair number of MQ> them do, she said. MQ> MQ> "It is causing unwanted disruption to students and their parents," Barker MQ> said. MQ> MQ> "Some students have had to Uber to school or walk. Students are stranded MQ> at different places and sometimes parents are not aware of where their MQ> kids are. It is challenging for everyone involved." MQ> MQ> Barker said they have had constant contact with AT to come up with timely MQ> resolutions. MQ> MQ> The school suggested using a bigger bus, a double decker, but the routes MQ> did not meet safety requirements, she said. MQ> MQ> "We're not feeling like this is a priority to them as much as it is to MQ> us." MQ> MQ> AT spokesman Mark Hannan said adding more capacity to the routes, MQ> including possible extensions of public routes, is being looked at. MQ> MQ> "We will look to rectify this as soon as possible," he said. MQ> MQ> --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) MQ> * Origin: S.W.A.T.S.BBS telnet 23 (63:10/102) poor kid --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32) * Origin: Family BBS Telnet (63:10/100) .