Subj : 'Wild experience' - Chl”e Swarbrick on Greens co-leadership To : All From : News Person Date : Mon Mar 11 2024 01:27 pm Chl”e Swarbrick says it's been a "wild and surreal experience" since she was announced as Green Party co-leader yesterday. Speaking to Breakfast this morning, she said it's "pretty cool" to have two women co-leading a party, a first for New Zealand politics. "As I said yesterday I just feel immense amounts of gratitude." She also acknowledged that she's the first rainbow leader and possibly the youngest too. "I think it'll probably sink in soon, I have been doing a little bit of planning with Marama and yeah, I just feel so honoured and privileged to work with somebody who so deeply inspires me." New Zealand First MP Andy Foster also joined Breakfast this morning, passing on his congratulations to Swarbrick. "Congratulations Chl”e, they're obviously big shoes to fill and I wish you well, but not too well," he joked. Yesterday Swarbrick told media: "Thank you to Green Party members across the country who've put their faith and trust in me to lead our movement alongside Marama," Swarbrick said. "I ask everyone to put that faith and trust in themselves too, and in our collective capacity to transform our world for the better. "Aotearoa can be a place where everyone has what they need to live a decent life, and our natural world is restored and protected, on a foundation honouring te Tiriti o Waitangi. "That is the Greens' vision, and one we work to see realised every single day." Swarbrick took a shot at the current government in her statement. "This week, the Government completed their cruel and, frankly, bizarre 100-day programme. "They know that many of the things they have done will make things worse for people and planet and they've told New Zealanders that they don't care," she said. "We've heard from people across the country of their deep despair. "That's precisely what this Government wants from you: to switch off. Don't." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .