Subj : Melissa Lee on plan to help NZ's struggling media industry To : All From : News Person Date : Mon Mar 11 2024 01:34 pm Media and Communications Minister Melissa Lee has indicated some of what she plans to do to support New Zealand's media industry, which is currently in crisis. On Friday, TVNZ announced a proposal to cut 68 jobs - including cancelling flagship current affairs show Sunday and Fair Go, alongside its Midday and Tonight news bulletins. The week before, Newshub revealed a proposal by its parent company, Warner Brothers Discovery, to close its doors. Speaking to Breakfast this morning, Melissa Lee said she has been working with officials to develop a plan to support New Zealand's media. She said her team is looking at "levers" which "need legislation or changes in the regulatory setting". While she couldn't comment on any specific plans, Lee said it would involve proposals for some legislation change. She said she wants to update the Broadcasting Act 1989 to match modern technology and encourage the media to "harness" innovation. Lee also plans on "ensuring the government's investment in media remains well set up to deliver independent and trusted sources of news and information". She planned on taking a paper to Cabinet. Lee said she had met with TVNZ executives recently, having a "wide ranging conversation", where it was mentioned a restructure was needed. But she "wasn't expecting it to be announced the following week", only finding out during a radio interview with Newstalk ZB. When discussing TVNZ's cuts, she said: "This was not something anyone wants to see or face. My thoughts are with everyone as they work through the restructure. "Before becoming a politician, I was a journalist. I worked as a journalist because I believed in the importance of journalism, and I continue to believe in the importance of journalism to our democracy." She was also asked whether it was right to cut shows like Sunday and Fair Go, which are currently profitable. "The decision to cut any programme is not something that I have any control over. It is purely a TVNZ decision. I can say that I actually do like those programmes, but I have no control over what TVNZ does." TVNZ chief executive Jodi O'Donnell said last week the proposal to make the cuts, which also included reducing the number of staff on the youth-focused Re: News, came from a need for the commercially-funded company to remain sustainable. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .