Subj : Minister 'not convinced' Fire and Emergency needs levy boost To : All From : News Person Date : Tue Apr 09 2024 10:09 am Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden has asked Fire and Emergency NZ (FENZ) to prove it needs a further boost to the levy they collect on insurance. With only $10m funded directly from the Crown, FENZ is almost entirely funded through the levy and the service's expenses have increased about $200 million since 2018. FENZ released a consultation document on Sunday recommending a 5.2% increase to the levy, as well as a change in how it is applied to improve equity and better reflect incidents they are responding to. NZ Professional Firefighters union secretary Joanne "Wattie" Watson said FENZ is reduced to having this debate on levies rather than the bigger topic of appropriate funding. She said the organisation undertakes a lot of required responses "needed by the community" that were not directly funded. Medical response is one of those, she said, with 94% of all cardiac arrests that take place out of hospital attended by firefighters. "It's a matter of, at the moment, using what is levied to stretch across all those really necessary and growing responses." Watson said van Velden's approach of looking at whether a levy increase is needed "isn't the right approach". "The right approach needs to be, what is the service that is needed for New Zealand and what have we got in order to do that now?" There are "massive issues" throughout FENZ, said Watson, including unsafe stations, lagging recruitment and outdated fleets. "A lot of work has has been done in the last 18 months to assess what needs to be procured... but that's going to cost money." She said the solutions are "some other sources of funding". 'Lean and mean' back office required - Luxon Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told Breakfast the minister is "doing the right thing" by consulting with the public about the levy. "That's why she's going through a full consultation process, which is the right thing to do. "It's important that she goes out to the public, gets a range of views on whats the right level, and once she gets that feedback she'll make her decision," he said. He said FENZ do an "incredibly good job". "We want to make sure that back-office function, as I keep saying, is actually as lean and mean and efficient as possible so the funds and the money can be put on the frontline." --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A44 2020/02/04 (Windows/64) * Origin: S.W.A.T.S BBS Telnet (63:10/102) .